Saturday 9 June 2012

I sewed my first line of stitches. WOOHOO!

So today was the day that I was going to try to use the sewing machine. I started the day with every intention of nailing all instructions at the first try, getting the straightest lines, the most precise needle work and ending the day with a completed masterpiece that I could say "Oh thanks, you're so kind, really, it was no effort at all, must be beginners luck".

That was the plan.
Here's what really happened.

I went to Spotlight to buy some remnant fabric so I could practise with. Came home with other really pretty fabric as well. Why? Because I could and I was going to make a masterpiece remember? That was 11.30am and I still believed it to be so. I soon learnt that one did not buy bobbins complete with coloured thread, one actually wound the thread onto the bobbins. Who knew? I didn't. Then I learnt that you had an upper thread from the spool and then the lower thread from the bobbin. I assumed the sewing machine was turn on, thread in needle, cloth under needle, press a button and hey presto you look like a genius. Oh how wrong I was.

I manage to get the bobbin filled with thread and in the right place, threaded the top and I thought I had got the thread from the bobbin in as well. Placed the fabric, stepped on the pedal and all I got was lots of crooked lines of needle puncture holes. By 1.30pm that masterpiece was looking a little less likely to happen. At that stage I had summoned the expertise of my uber sewing goddess friend Jo. She knew I was desperate and very kindly saw me at very short notice. If she didn't I would have cried.
Jo and I

Off to Jo's I went with machine in tow. Within minutes I had my first line done and was excited. Then the machine stopped working. Things just started getting caught and pulled and I was starting to feel like I had broken the borrowed machine. Then the light bulb blew!! It was just not going my way. By 4.30pm I left Jo's feeling like I should be grateful for the few lines I did make and that maybe sewing was not for me. Got home and tried again and just like that the machine was working again and I managed to make a seam of some sort. Then play time was and it was time to feed and water the boys.

Long story short, it's now 8.30pm and that masterpiece is nowhere to be seen and that's ok. I have learnt that I need to nail the basics and be realistic. Good friends like Jo help keep my head on right whilst still being encouraging and not laughing (out loud) at me. 

There's always tomorrow. I shall endeavour. Keep watching this space .... and I don't mind if you laugh at me a little, God knows I laugh at me enough. 

Oh how sad am I!!
There's a hem, some lines of stitching and a seam of sorts.

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